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the one and only service which allows you to contact
all the Italian municipalities' offices

  • FAQ: the answers to the most frequently asked questions
  • what is different about your service compared to other ones on the web?
  • there are multiple websites on the internet (here an example) ) that offer free or paid email addresses of Italian municipalities but they all have JUST ONE email address for each municipality! how can that be enough? and which department you will be writing to? each municipality in fact has plentiful of departments, with many employees and likewise many addresses.
    On the other hand, we have a plethora of email addresses for each municipality, classified by department (click here to see the different departments in our archive) in order for you to be able to choose the right target to send your communication to. Therefore, by sending diverse communications to each municipality, the likelihood that they will be carefully read and spark interest in their recipient, is obviously way greater!
  • why do you handle the mailing? can't I just buy emails and send them myself?
  • we usually send an average of 10,000 emails per customer; to send such a massive load of emails you would need a professional mailing system and a professional SMTP as well, it is of course not possible to send them with a "common" connection and a "common" software such as outlook !!
    Furthermore, building an email with HTML code that is not flagged by spam filters is not easy and requires a lot of know-how.
  • what do you mean by "pick the municipalities' departments"?
  • our 49,000+ email addresses are classified by department (click here to see the different departments). You can choose, based on the type of product or service you want to offer, which department is the most suited. Example: do you have a company that manufactures slides, swings, garden furniture? you would rather write to public works, urban planning, territory departments and not to the registry office or the tax office! Then, with our help, you can choose many other departments of common interest as well: mayor, deputy mayor, administrative office, council members, general affairs, directorate, protocol etc.
  • where do you get your email addresses from?
  • from official Sources (Istat) and from our continuous and clear-cut updating from municipalities’ websites: to date we have customized and edited our archive so much that it is a one-of-a-kind in all Italy. Obviously we cannot guarantee that a few emails will not be seldom rejected: for example, they may be changed immediately after our last update or, more often, the municipal inbox is full and returns therefore a delivery error.
  • is it possible to have further details about your email addresses archive?
  • by clicking here you can see how many email addresses we have for each Italian municipality.
  • can these communications be flagged as spam?
  • no, if it does not violate some basic rules of netiquette (high sending frequency, nsfw content, advertising of tacky products, etc.), a company or a private citizen has the right to write to municipalities’ email addresses, as established by the Decreto Legislativo, March 7, 2005, n. 82 (Digital public administration and new citizens' rights). Within digital Public Administration, citizens and businesses have new rights: on one hand, citizens are offered the right to always be able to interact, anywhere, and with any administration through the Internet, e-mails and networks; on the other hand, it is established that all administrations must arrange themselves in order to make all information digitally available at all times. In detail, article 3 says: "Citizens and businesses have the right to use modern IT solutions for all contacts with any country administration".
  • is it possible to send emails with attachments?
  • it is possible but we do not recommend it (the attachment weighs emails down and annoys those who are not interested in them). We rather recommend implementing a link into the email (for example: “click here to download the flyer”) that gives only enticed readers the chance to download the file. This mechanic not only is less annoying than attachments but also grants the opportunity to monitor downloaded files to find out how many times it has actually been read.
  • what do you mean by "professional SMTP"?
  • in the past (before SPAM era), we faced no particular issue while sending emails, while nowadays it is extremely important to follow the rules of main email servers in order to avoid messages ending up in SPAM folders or even being immediately deleted. SMTP servers provided by standard ISPs are not always trustworthy: they use random IP addresses that sometimes are on black-lists, often causing issues when sending emails. The worst part is that these errors are never discovered: you are then sending emails without knowing if they are actually delivered. They also have very strict rules on how many emails can be sent at the same time. By using a professional SMTP like ours, you instead entrust to us your communications, and we constantly monitor black-lists and nurture relationships with major email providers in order to keep our SMTP whitelisted. This means that main email servers will recognize our messages as safe, the messages will be delivered with very high success rates and we are able to send several thousand emails in a couple of hours.
  • what do you mean by "number of mailings"?
  • is the ability to send different emails to the same group of municipal departments. For example, you have a show business agency, in October you send the municipalities of the center and north of Italy an email to propose a singing event for New Year's Eve, in April you then send a second one to all of the municipalities of Italy by proposing a circus event in the forthcoming summer. With our rates, buying multiple mailings has lower costs than buying mailings one by one.
  • does the number of addressee departments affect the cost of my mailing?
  • on a small scale. If you are only interested in a department or two, the cost will be slightly reduced compared to our basic rates (click here to view them)
  • what do you need to send my mailing?
  • only the text of the email (in DOC or TXT format), the address to be displayed as sender and any picture (in JPG or GIF format)
  • from the time we send you our data, how long will it take to send the emails?
  • we will send you the first facsimile the same day we receive your data. After that it is up to you: we have had customers who have asked us to update phrases, phone numbers and pictures many times and in these cases times are inevitably longer (we suggest you to discuss the data with your company BEFORE sending it, in order to send us a final version of it). Customers, on the other hand, who deliver us data that is already definitively approved, get their mailing sent even within 48/62 hours.
  • how can I get possible replies from recipients to my e-mail address?
  • YOURS will be always set as the sender’s email address, we will not be involved at all. We only provide the addresses of the municipalities and the professional mailing system. The communication will result as yours and yours only.
  • is it possible to send HTML emails with captivating graphics?
  • making an email in HTML is not like developing for the web. While web browsers continue their march towards common standards, many email programs are stuck in the past. Some have even taken steps backwards. We therefore recommend that you keep everything as simple as possible. The more complex the design of our email, the more likely it will run into issues, even with some of the popular email clients, or the more likely it will get flagged by SPAM filters.
  • what is the sending report?
  • it is a file which contains the following data: the mailing overview, sender address, subject, type of mailing, set delay, date and time of mailing's start, date and time of mailing’s completion, total time of sending, total number of emails, failed emails deliveries, number of emails actually opened by recipients. The list of telephone numbers of the addressee municipalities will be added to his report. In addition, it is also possible to know which recipients have actually read the email.
  • what is the best day for sending emails?
  • there is plentiful of researches and studies about this subject, here is a summary:
    Monday is seen by many as one of the worst days to send a newsletter, because those who open their inbox on Monday (assuming they did not do it on Saturday and Sunday) find the backlog of the previous 2 days which in some cases may be huge. So the email will be part of that backlog and will be most likely deleted.
    Tuesday is considered the "Golden Day", because the inbox has already been cleaned on Monday and your message will most likely be taken into account and even read. Furthermore, it is far from the mood of "the weekend just ended” and of "the next weekend is coming", and therefore whoever receives it is more willing to read it without immediately trashing it.
    These days can be considered quite good as they are in the middle of the week and the inbox has already been emptied several times. These days, however, are affected by the fact that on Wednesdays there may be external "big events". In this case, Wednesdays and Thursdays should be excluded because the focus of the news is the comment on these aforementioned events.
    Friday is considered by many a day in which NOT to send Newsletters because it is too close to the weekend and people are already thinking about something else and will not be interested in received offers.
    These 2 days are days in which you should NOT send Newsletters as well because it is almost sure users from Friday evening until Monday morning will not check their e-mails and the message will then be trashed on Monday morning along with the weekend backlog.
  • won't the mailing get flagged by SPAM filters?
  • the professional SMTP we use already helps a lot in preventing this from happening but if you want to be sure to have the highest success rate, we will suggest you a simple tweak to be made in the TXT record of your domain that will avoid the "Recipient address rejected" issue.